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lørdag den 20. juli 2013

Island hopping

A few months ago I went on a weekend crop with some very talented ladies. We challenged each other all weekend and one of the challenges was to use a very special "kit": We had each bought supplies for about 50 Dkr., so we each got a pile of pretty random scrapbooking supplies to use... The only rule was to use a part of E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E item on the page.

Here is the page I created. I love how it turned out:

And here is a picture of the items we were to use on our project. Not exactly the ideal kit, but a fun challenge:  

And finally some deatil shots of my layout. Even used an Anchor roller stamp... 

And finally a picture of all the layouts using the exact same products. Amazing how diffrent they turned out. 

Thanks ladies, I had a fantastic weekend!

1 kommentar:

Leanne sagde ...

wow! love your layers! and isn't wonderful to see how different people using the same product create! awesome..x