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onsdag den 10. april 2013

Project LIfe (week 7 + 8)

Two more weeks from our vacation, both on the Philippines (Manila and Coron).

We had out very first Valentine's celebration on Coron. The hotel staff had spend days decorating and preparing for this Valentine's evening. They were so excited they pretty much served all three courses at the same time (so cute) and they had prepared lots of entertainment and party games (I hate party games. well, all games actually!) for the couples. I participated with my husband (when our son was too small to do so) for the fact that I simply had to not to make the staff feel sad. So few people showed up for the celebration, even people that had signed up for it stayed away. Anyway, we ended up winning the grand price and got two hours of massage for free and icecream for our son :-). It was such a perfect evening just for the 4 of us. Oh, I forgot to tell I had to leave dinner quite suddenly as the baby had a diaper-accident all over my dress. It was dripping from the diaper, but luckely not until we got to our room... So for week 7 I kept a somewhat red-love-theme:


And here a familiar scene from the photo shoot:

2 kommentarer:

Kim sagde ...

Im sooooo behind on my project life, you have given me the insoiration to try and catch up!

Charlotte sagde ...

Dine PL sider er SÅ spændende at gå på opdagelse i. Sikke en fed rejse i har været på. Super interessant og sjovt at følge med. :)
Jeg kan godt li du bruger så mange forskellige ting til din PL. Alle de små lommer er nærmest så layouts i sig selv. Cool! :)