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lørdag den 30. marts 2013

Melvin's first birthday

Today my baby boy turns 1. He is the most wonderful, quiet, curious, laughing little baby. So different from his older brother. Melvin wants to eat by himself. Asbjørn never touched his food till he was 2. He crawls all over. Asbjørn never crawled, just went straight to walking, and I could go on. They also have many things in common and I love how obvious it is that they love each other. 

I am forever grateful that life granted me yet another fantastic little boy. They make me so happy. Every. Single. Day.

Happy Birthday, Melvin. Mommy loves you to the moon and back. Forever and always! And Then some.

4 kommentarer:

Charlotte sagde ...

Et stort tillykke til Melvin. Det er nogle helt fantastiske billeder og en rigtig fin måde vise hans udvikling gennem de sidste 12 måneder.
Knus Charlotte

sophie sagde ...

happy bday! wow 1 already! he is so cute!

Karina Beck sagde ...

Hvor er det en fantastisk fotoserie Trine!!!!!
Vildt, at Melvin allerede er blevet 1 år. Tillykke med ham!

Kim sagde ...

goodness a year already, happy birthday to the little guy!