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søndag den 10. marts 2013

Project Life 2013 (title page)

Oh my, almost a month flew by since I last visited my blog! Vacation, back to work after maternity leave and lots of other things happened. I even got crafty this past week after we got home from 60 days of travels. Did I mention how fantastic our trip was? I'll update remaining weeks...someday!
I started doing Project Life in 2012. It quickly became my No.1 project and remained a very treasured activity thru out the year. I still haven't updated all journaling from last year, but the photos are all in the binder *documenting a wonderful life*, our everyday life. I didn't find the time to photograph all my weekly spreads last year, not even close. But I'll try to keep up with the project on the blog this year. My Project Life will also be featured on the Scrapper and Love2scrap blogs using their products.
Here is my title page for the 2013 version. *Solstriben* is where we reside and always return, hence the tur-retur (meaning 'roundtrip', in the sense that we always return home). I made no manifest this year, but will be using 'Grow where you are planted' as a motto for my family. The picture of my feet symbolize keeping my/our feet on solid ground, grow roots and blossom no matter where and what.

You can see the pages from 2012 that actually did make it to the blog here.

Blogging is so time consuming, but it does feel good to be back. I hope to stay on track despite a busy life.
I've missed you, dear readers!

4 kommentarer:

Charlotte sagde ...

Velkommen tilbage til Danmark. Jeg har fulgt lidt med på bloggen og det ser ud til, at I har haft en fantastisk ferie. Jeg glæder mig til at høre mere om ferien, så jeg håber vi ses til Scrap a Mania.
Knus Charlotte

Karina Beck sagde ...

And we have missed you.
Velkommen tilbage.
Dejlige billeder, du har lagt på bloggen, men I var væk.
Jeg vil se frem til din PL i år. Det er en super flot start.

Kim sagde ...

excited to see you back scrapping, cant wait to follow your PL journey!

Unknown sagde ...

Du har været savnet.
Cool og stilfuldt :)