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lørdag den 29. juni 2013

Project Life (week 16+17)

Wow, it's been over a month since my last Project Life post. Last weekend I was actually even ahead of time. I was at a scrap marathon at Love2scrap and in 8 hours I caught up on the 6 weeks I was behind on my project and even moved some unused everyday photos to the following week and prepared the spread with journaling cards. That was a first!! I think it also sums up pretty much the timeframe I use on each week, approx. 1-2 hours total including little breaks to eat drink and sort thru my stash.

And week 17, which turned out pretty picture-heavy!

2 kommentarer:

lam sagde ...

super lækre sider og ejg kan godt lide dit mix af farve fotos og sort/hvid fotos. Det ser godt ud

Kim sagde ...

I am two weeks behind...eeek thanks for the awesome remeinder!