It's so strange to think this was my belly a few months ago. The big belly disappeared after a week, and though that was great, it also made such a quick and big contract to beging pregnant just before, and made it almost unreal to think I had actually been pregnant at all. Trust me, I will not forget this pregnancy, but when I look at the baby it's just so hard to imagine it was actually inside my belly.
Her er nærbillede af stempler. Jeg har brugt en opaque stempelsværte på sort karton for at give en kridt-tavle-effekt. Billedet er gjort lidt lysere for bedre at kunne se stemplerne. En god måde at få brugt en masse stempler!
I have use an opaque ink with my stamps on black cardstock to create a chalkboard effect. The picture is slightly lighter to see the stamps. A great way to use lots of stamps, by the way!