På Coron stod den på island hopping, snorkling over koralrev og skibsvrag, afslapning og trekking. Vi kørte i tricycles and fejrede Valentines Day på lokal facon med partygames (vi vandt to timers massage!!).
På Bohol så vi Chocolate Hills, delfiner, verdens største Python og spiste som altid god mad, bla på flodtur, hvor vi så lokale dansere.
We have now reached the second final destination on our trip, the Philippines. We love it here! Our base is Manila, but we have spend 4 days on both Bohol and Coron. The first Island we visited with 4 friends from here, among others my friend Rina back from my MBA Exchange to Oregon in 1999. Haven't seen her since, so spending two weeks with her now is a treat.
In Coron we went island hopping and snorkling above coral reefs and shipwrecks, swimmed in fresh water lakes and trekking. We drove tricycles and celebrated Valentine's Day the local way with games etc.
In Bohol we saw the Chocolate Hills, dolphins in the ocean, worlds largest python and are lots of good food, eg on river boat watching local dancers.