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torsdag den 27. november 2014

Flair buttons on sale. 20% off on Black Friday

Black Friday has really hit Denmark this year, with lots of sales on Nov 28th. Strange to see this American tradition here, but thought I'd play along and offer a 20% sale on my flair buttons. No new designs this holiday season, but if you didn't grab the Christmas designs from last year, now is your time... All flair buttons sets will be 20% off tomorrow only.

Visit my Etsy shop here. If you want to order and are not a member of the Etsy community, just simply send me an e-mail at with the flair buttons set/s you would like.

Happy Black Friday Sale. But Mostly I wish you all a lovely Thanksgiving tonight. Our yearly Thanksgiving-feast has been postponed till midd-December this year, but I sure am beginning to looking forward to the lovely food!